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Our Core Values

Our Core Values of Learning on and off the pitch

Our core values underpin every session we deliver. Whilst we design sessions to provide children with a safe and engaging environment to learn and develop their rugby skills.  We believe personal development is just as important.


All new participants will be welcomed and included from the outset. Social development, especially in the younger age groups, is just as important as rugby itself. As a result, many activities will be focused on team games and selflessness: emphasizing working for the team, not as an individual


We want as many children as possible to play and enjoy Rugby as possible. Every session will be centred around having fun and will be designed to encourage players to enjoy training and playing with their friends.

Why Choose LittleSwans Rugby

​Suitable for All Levels

Small Classes

Proven Results

Book in Advance

Fun, Non-Contact Session

Experienced Coaches


Mutual respect forms the basis of Rugby. We must earn the respect of others in the way we behave. Whether it is respecting the coaches and accept their decisions or respecting other participants, a focus will always be on consideration and respect in every session.


Coaches will encourage fair play both on and off the pitch and are generous in victory and dignified in defeat. Some games will be played to win but it is important that winning is not at all costs and recognise both endeavour and achievement.


Strong discipline underpins Rugby from the highest level to introductory sessions. It is crucial obey the laws of the game. We want each session to be fun and engaging for every child, maintaining discipline is important so each session can be enjoyed to maximum

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